Monday, March 24, 2008

Why can't happiness last longer?

Few moments of happiness and then a long lull, full of the uncertainties and wait for the next 'happy moment'. 3 hours of happiness, followed by a day of day-dreaming and fabrication of unreal dreams, and followed by another day of 'reality striking you back in your face'. And then you're back to square one, back to where you had started it all, wondering why you ever entered that happy moment in the first place. I think this is just a personality trait. There are people who enjoy whatever moments they have and then 'move on'. I fall at the other end of the spectrum, I enjoy a moment to the utmost, and then wonder 'why can't I have more of this' and spend the next few days not enjoying what I had, but brooding over what could have been, or why it could not last longer. Instead of savoring the taste, I waste my time worrying about wanting and achieving more of it. If only I can learn to cherish things in the present and look forward to the future, instead of brooding over the 'could haves and why nots' of the past, I'd be happier.

After all, as Abraham Lincoln aptly said, 'Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.'

I guess I just need to Make-up-my-mind!

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