Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Horoscopes and Tarots

Is there any accuracy in these general daily/weekly horoscopes and tarot card readings? Or is it all just a hoax and another gimmick to blindfold us with unnecessary faith. Just another belief added to the endless list of faiths and beliefs we seem to be accommodating these days. For instance, read this, my tarot card reading for today:

"When you are ready to be serious, other people want to play, but now that you are ready for some action, someone you like may be more contemplative. Your flexibility is the key to happiness today; if you can make the necessary adjustments, you'll learn something crucial. Trust your changing moods as you decide when to hold on and when to let go. Your intuition is strong and will lead you in the right direction."

As a matter of fact, these lines could not be more accurate about what's happened in the last few days for me. And this is kind of eerie and creepy at the same time. Does this mean all the other people in the world, born on the same day as me, have similar events happening? Its kind of hard to believe in the accuracy of something so general. The funny thing about all this is, sometimes when I can't take decisions myself (which unfortunately is a lot of times), these kind of frivolous, general yet sometimes true words from horoscopes or tarot cards help me in my decision. Like for now, I need to hang in there and be patient and believe in my intuition because apparently its strong and will lead me in the right direction!

A good place to read weekly horoscopes is www.freewillastrology.com/horoscopes. It is not so much about the truth of the horoscope, but about the writer's style of a horoscope. Rob Brezsny is the writer, and what a writer he is. Its hard to believe how aesthetic, and appealing his horoscopes sound, again, not because of any accuracy but because of the examples, the quotes he mentions and the way he inspires you about life and your days in general. There's passion and there's beauty in his horoscopes. As you can see, I am quite a fan of his and although I don't believe 100 percent in the accuracy, I do believe in the efficacy of his writing.

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