Monday, March 3, 2008

Quarterlife crisis

I am not really done a quarter of my life, I mean there are still 2 more years to go, but I am nearing it. I guess the confusions, the uncertainties, the frustrations and second thoughts, the C-R-I-S-I-S I am having right now, I'd like to put them in this self-explanatory yet exaggerated term - Quarterlife crisis. The issues faced right now are probably faced at other times in life, but I just felt like using an overly dramatic word so here I am. My situation right now is that of a free and confused wild spirit. There is so much I want to do, and so much I want to explore, but there is so much that I bind myself with. There are innumerable things that I judge myself for, and sometimes, actually most of the time feel like people are judging me all over. I have probably reached my own zenith of self-consciousness. There are times when my friends need my attention, but I act completely oblivious to my surroundings and to their need. I might spend time thinking and amusing myself with trivial things, like my crushes, or how beautiful the snow is outside, or when is the winter all going to be over, or what's going on in what TV show, or what I should wear to the following party, or why am I becoming so vain, or what's going on with journalism these days, or how there are bigger issues in this world to work and write on rather than Britney Spears or the U.S. Election; I spend my time THINKING about all of this, when I have more important things to take care of - like study, or file for my immigration and a million other things. In simple terms I am procrastinating, and I am day-dreaming. For anyone who has watched the movie 'Amelie', I am Amelie Poulain, except for the do-gooder part right now. It feels lonely sometimes, and some other times I think to myself 'what the hell am I doing here, and there is so much more that I can do, but I am not even trying...', and then at other times 'I just don't care'! I am still getting to know myself and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. This is probably one of my most confusing posts, but I thought its better to get it out here than let the thoughts wander in my head.

Food for thought:

"Words that don't DO anything, have no meaning."
- Alex

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