Monday, August 11, 2008

A lifetime's worth in a week and a half...

It was a week full of anticipation, excitement, pure adrenaline rush, hopes, expectations, high energy, competition, attitude, humility, life, sadness, friendships and tragedies, sparks and passion...a little bit of everything. Ok, so may be I sound a bit over-dramatic here, but it really was a lifetime's experience packaged in a week and a half of my life.

'Success only comes to those who are too busy to look for it.' ? I say, 'Surprises and happiness only come to those who are too busy to expect them.' Right at the moment when you least expect from life, that is exactly when life brings with itself a plethora of opportunities and emotions, so strong and so deep to fathom, that you often get lost in its realms. I went into a new city, with no expectations, and came out with unexplored facets of my own personality, with new experiences, new revelations, new friendships and new heart-aches. It was a world full of opportunities, showing me new avenues in every aspect of life, be it career, people or personal development, but it also showed me where I stand and how I will really need to plan things in order to move up. Meeting new people is always fun, but the part that sucks is when they LEAVE. When everyone leaves, or starts following a path which is very different from mine. Its a pattern - you meet, you greet, you mingle, you get close, and then .... you leave. If only I could make the parting as happy as the beginning. But then again, parting is not really the end, its just a pause for some. But its a pause full of uncertainties. You don't know if you will EVER see those people again in your life, and sometimes you just need to leave it up to Fate/Destiny (words deemed not be in our control) to see if your paths cross again. Until then, you wait, and you meet more people and you get lost in their worlds, and get entangled in the same web of meet-greet-part. I guess this really is a pessimist's point of view, because an optimist would be of a contradictory opinion. I love meeting new people too, but only if their friendship would last for more than a week.

And then there are always those who leave with words unsaid and emotions unaccounted for, with whom there is no closure, and who leave you wondering 'Should I, or should I not get in touch with him/her? Would they think I am trying to be clingy, and would they just consider it a friend's call trying to keep in touch with them? Should I, or should I not?' I guess a part of my problem, is the over-analysis or over-complication of things. Why can we not simply enjoy the moment we lived in, forget about it and move on? I do an excellent job at capturing moments, but can't seem to let go and forget them. And then those moments linger in my mind for days....

There's no structure to my post, its more of a gabber than a streamlined thought. But nonetheless, it is from the complicated mesh of my thoughts and imagination.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very refreshing to read someone actually pour one’s feelings without worrying about being judged..And as for friendship lasting more than a week…well, wudnt it be imprudent to expect of friendship from acquaintances….as I remember being stood corrected...[:P]..!!!