Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What are you really scared of?

So an entire month has passed. Actually, almost 2 months have gone by, and I haven't written anything. Hit a dry spell I'd say. Quite dry and this is hardly a comeback. In fact, I am quite sure the very few people who were reading my posts, would have given up on this not-so-regularly-updated-blog a while ago. But then again, I can't resist my urge of electronically penning down my thoughts in this little blurb. I've been thinking, what are we really scared of?

And I am not talking about cockroaches, or thunder bolts and lightning, or even global warming, because let's face it, most of us spend our time whining about the weather whereas very few of us actually worry about global warming and try to do something about it. Anyways, that's completely beside the point for now. I am not asking you what scares you temporarily. I am talking about the constant fear that lurks in your mind and that you rarely accept. May be a lot of us are actually still living in denial about our worst fear. To me, it seems like 'Rejection' is what scares me the most. The realm of rejection spans from our parents, to the society in general, to even God - an entity that we've never seen, yet we are scared of. As a kid I was scared of not doing the right thing and not living up to my parents' expectations. The process of growing up gave me knowledge, but that knowledge also gave me some fears. As I grew up, I developed my own style, my personality and a set of idealistic beliefs. Initially, there was no fear. My beliefs were new, the place was familiar, and I was home. There could be no rejection anymore. They all knew me, they had accepted me. But then it happened. A new country, strange faces, strange habits and very unfamiliar territory. It was a big leap. With that leap, came some inner strength accompanied with some unpredicted fears. Now there was the fear of being rejected by this new society. Here, importance was given to matters that seemed most trivial to me until now - what clothes one is wearing, what's your style statement, who do you hang out with etc. As I grew up here, it seemed like what defined you more was your outer appearance. In this world, at this stage of my life, people are really judged by the cover. So there was the fear of being rejected because of my cover. And then there was always the occasional 'fear of being rejected by someone you like' lurking in the corner. And being scared of rejection from the loved ones is understandable, after all they are your loved ones. But being scared of no acceptance from people who perhaps don't even care to know you, who might pass a sly comment or two about you, have a good laugh about it and forget that you ever existed, being scared of rejection by such morons? Why? This is like an ever expanding bubble of pointless fears. But a bubble, which when bursts, will truly free me. This fear of 'rejection' keeps me stuck in a loop. It keeps me confused, pulls me down and keeps me from accepting and appreciating who I truly am, or would like to be.

I can only imagine how powerful it would be to get rid of all such fears, to truly see yourself for who you really are, put yourself out there, and tell the world 'Bring it On, I don't give a damn, I am fearless and I am ready'.

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